July was a sizzling month at Gloria Zastko, Realtors, where the firm took in 33 new listings. Leading the team for listings taken was Peter Maimone. Maimone can be reached by calling 732-297-0600, ext. 23 or 732-439-0472, or email [email protected], or visit There were 40 new transactions, and leading the team for sales was Jayakrishnan “Jay” Maniyil. He can be reached by calling 732-297-0600, ext. 52, or 732-501-8643, or email [email protected], or visit “It is a great time to move in, up or out. We are in a win-win situation where both buyers and sellers can take advantage of the low interest rates,” said Andrew Zastko, broker/owner. Gloria Zastko, Realtors is located at 1582 Route 130, North Brunswick. For more information, call 732- 297-0600 or visit