Residents enjoy the National Night Out festivities at the Spotswood Police Department on Aug. 4. SPOTSWOOD – Borough police hosted an evening of games, food and music on Aug. 4 to help bring the community together.
“It’s really all about fostering a relationship between the police department and the community,” said Detective Scott Hoover of the Spotswood Police Department.
“I also look at it as getting people to come out and look at what the good aspects of the community are and what we have to offer.”
On Aug. 4, the Spotswood Police Department served as the host to its annual National Night Out in the parking lot of the municipal building at 77 Summerhill Road to show that the borough is united against crime.
For parents looking to get their children involved in activities, there were booths to appeal to a variety of interests from karate to golf.
“[I am here] to see what the community has to offer and to see what my kids might be interested in,” said Cynthia Alongi. She attended the event with her children, who were testing out their miniature golf skills.
According to Hoover, the turnout for the event was higher than average.
The event is also an opportunity to bring the community together and to get residents to establish a connection with one another.
“You know your neighbor, but you don’t ever get to connect with him like you used to. [At the event] you can see someone a few doors down and talk as a family and the kids get to meet each other. I think it’s a wonderful thing and I am so thankful detective Hoover and his bunch were able to put this together,” said Mayor Nicholas Poliseno.
The mayor also thanked local businesses such as 7-Eleven and ShopRite for donating refreshments for the event.
The evening included a tribute to Hinal Patel, a member of the Spotswood EMS who was killed July 25 while responding to a call in East Brunswick,. A special plaque in her honor was displayed at the event.