National Night Out in Jackson

 PHOTOS BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR PHOTOS BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR Members of the Jackson Police Department and the community’s fire companies were among the service organizations represented at the National Night Out event held on Aug. 4 at the Jackson Plaza shopping center. National Night Out gives people of all ages a chance to meet and greet the individuals who serve the municipality 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In photo at top left, 8-yearold Donnie Weber is fingerprinted by Jackson Police Officer John Pejoski. At left, in middle, 5- year-old Vansh Joshi takes part in one of the many games that were set up for National Night Out. Bottom left, Cassville Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 firefighter Justin Hanson helps a youngster play a firehouse game. Above, 2-yearold Cole Barnes takes a seat in a Whitesville Fire Company truck.