Sports News and Notes

The Princeton Running Company will be holding staff-led evening training runs beginning at the Princeton Running Company, 108 Nassau Street in Princeton.
The runs leave at 6:30 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday and at 6:15 p.m. on Thursday and are held weekly rain or shine. There is no cost.
For more information, call 252-9110 or email [email protected]. 
Baseball players from Montgomery High School will offer their services to local residents and businesses for leaf raking and other odd jobs. The proceeds from a donation of $10 per player per hour will be dedicated to improve Montgomery’s baseball facilities.
This program, which is entitled “Leaf the Raking To Us,” is being organized by the Diamond Club, the fundraising booster organization that supports MHS baseball. In recent years, the Club has successfully made many facility improvements including replacement of the backstop, infield dirt, and outfield fence at the varsity field; construction of new batting cages; and repair or older batting cages.
The overall goal is to increase involvement by the players while providing a valuable service to the community. The players will come equipped with rakes. Homeowners need only supply the leaf bags, a smile and, of course, a donation.
Further information and electronic sign up are available at or by calling (917) 886-6444. 
Princeton Youth Hockey Association proudly offers a Tiger Cub and Mite Minor program to enable each young player to reach their highest potential in a fun and high-energy environment.
This program is open to players born between the years 2007 and 2012 that have at least minimal skating skills. The Tiger Cub and Mite Minor programs share the ice on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons at Baker Rink on the historic Princeton University campus beginning the first weekend in October.
The program will have the holiday weekends off and will not skate during the Christmas break. The season will close the first weekend in March.
All players will receive skating instruction with PYHA’s power skating coach, and will learn stick work and positional play with volunteer coaches. The schedule for both Tiger Cub and Mite Minor is posted on the PYHA website,, under team schedules. 
The Princeton Recreation Department will host the Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic (Sports Awareness for Educating Today’s Youth) for volunteer youth sports coaches on Wednesday, Sept. 30. The Clinic will run from 7-10 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Witherspoon Street Municipal Building.
Attendees must be present for the entire three hours to complete the certification. This program meets the “minimum standards for volunteer coaches safety orientation and training skills program (N.J.A.C. 5:52) and provides partial civil immunity protection to volunteer coaches under the Little League Law.“
The clinic costs $35 per person and advance registration is required. The registration deadline is Sept. 25.
Individuals can register online at: The Rutgers Safety Clinic is located under the Tab “2015 Community Programs.”
For more info, visit or call 921-9480. 
Nassau Tennis Club is taking the risk out of learning to play tennis. Adult players who have never (or barely) played tennis can take advantage of a five-week starter package (for adult beginners) for only $99.
“It’s never too late to start playing tennis,” Benton Camper, Manager of the Nassau Tennis Club said. “At Nassau, we take the risk out of learning to play tennis by offering short, low cost sessions so you can easily get fit and have fun.”
Registration is underway for fall 2015 programs. Clinics begin Sept. 8. Nassau Tennis offers instructional clinics for juniors and adults at all ability levels — beginners to the advanced player. Nassau Tennis is also taking registrations for adult singles and doubles leagues.
To register for clinics or leagues, visit or call (908)359-8730. 
Pennington Ewing Athletic Club Health & Fitness will host The Teal Tea Race on Sunday, Sept. 20 to benefit the Teal Tea Foundation in recognition of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. The race will include a 5K run and a 1.5 mile walk.
The 5K run, which is sanctioned, professionally-timed and certified by the USATF, will begin at 8:15a.m. The 1.5 mile walk will begin at 9:30 a.m. Pre-registration is encouraged, and all pre-registrants will receive a race t-shirt.
Teal Tea Foundation is dedicated to raising ovarian cancer awareness and supporting research efforts focused on early detection, treatments, and a cure for ovarian cancer. Its programs help women faced with ovarian cancer improve their quality of life during and after treatment.
Registration forms can be obtained at PEAC Health and Fitness,, or Online registration can be found at All proceeds will benefit Teal Tea Foundation. 
Registration is now open for Lawrence Hamnett Soccer Association’s Fall Recreation Soccer League for players entering pre-K to 8th grade. All skill levels are welcome.
Register at Registration is closing soon so hurry. 
The Pirate Pride and Spirit Benefit Golf Outing will be held on Saturday, Oct. 24 at Princeton Country Club.
The four-person scramble event begins with registration at noon and a 1 p.m. tee off. The cost is $90 and includes 18 holes of golf, riding cart, lunch, unlimited drinks, light fare dinner after golf, and a chance to win many prizes. There will be a putting challenge, longest drive and closest to the pin contests as well.
Proceeds will benefit the Pirate Pride and Spirit Scholarship, which is a scholarship dedicated to the honor of all Pirates — Past and Present.
To register, email your name and/or foursome players to: [email protected]. Or send a check for $90 made payable to WWPHSS to: Michelle Walsh, WWPHS SOUTH, 346 Clarksville Rd., West Windsor, NJ 08550. 