
SOUTH BRUNSWICK: Police want to ensure students get to school safely

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Ensuring that students get to school safely, the South Brunswick Township Police Department is launching “Operation Safe Schools,” according to Chief of Police Raymond Hayducka.
The South Brunswick Township Public School District’s first day of school is Thursday, while the private schools in the township will begin their new school year on Monday and Tuesday. More than 10,000 students should be in class by Thursday morning.
“The start of each school year creates a lot of adjustments for students, parents, teachers and the motoring public,” Chief Hayducka said. “Our goal is to make sure it is a safe transition.”
More than a dozen police officers will be dedicated to Operation Safe Schools, which creates enhanced traffic safety and police presence at the schools, Chief Hayducka said. It will place a police officer at every school in the district at the start and end of the school day, he said.
Enhanced traffic enforcement zones also will be established around the schools for traffic enforcement, Chief Hayducka said. To ensure that drivers slow down for children, police officers will be specifically targeting school zone violations.
“The added buses, pedestrians and parents dropping off children requires that all drivers slow down and use caution,” Chief Hayducka said. “This year is unique because schools are going back in session before Labor Day, and drivers need to be aware of the earlier start.” 