Seniors will meet Sept. 11 in Sayreville

The Our Lady of Victories (OLV) Senior Group will host its next gathering 1:30 p.m. Sept. 11 in the church’s Monsignor Dalton Hall, Main Street, Sayreville. All seniors are welcome to attend.

After a business meeting, cake, coffee and tea will be served. Annual dues ($10) will be collected. Payment is due for the group’s Hudson Foliage Cruise, Hunterdon Christmas Show, Radio City Christmas Show and Cape May Christmas trips. Members are asked to bring a food donation for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Sandwiches for the meeting may be ordered by calling Carmen Delikat at 732- 254-9425 by Sept. 9.

For more information, call Teri Yetsko at 732-727-7639.