Spotswood schools double down on tech

Staff Writer

Connect. Learn. Collaborate. That is the theme for the current school year in the Spotswood School District, which is emphasizing connective technology.

According to Superintendent Scott R. Rocco, this program is part of the district’s new technology-based initiative to connect students with their peers as well as their teachers.

“Our theme this year in the district is ‘connect, learn, collaborate,’” Rocco said.

“That ties in with connecting with our students professionally so that they are motivated to learn.”

“[Technology] is a tool and it’s a resource. It helps enhance our teachers in the classroom and it helps improve their instruction. It also helps to improve student learning.” “Technology alone won’t do that; the teachers integrating it into their lessons will do that.”

According to Rocco, there are 507 Chromebooks in use in the district divided among the district’s four schools.

Of those, 360 were purchased over the summer with funds allocated in the budget.

This year, students at Memorial Middle School and Spotswood High School are going to have Google Gmail accounts.

“We want to continue on with our transition to Google Apps for education,” Rocco said. Students with access to Google Apps will have the ability to share documents electronically.

The question of whether the district will allow students to bring their own devices from home to school is yet to be decided, he said. Another option is the one-to-one program.

If the district opts for this program, the district would provide students and teachers with devices.

The district comprises two elementary schools, E.R. Appleby and G. Austin Schoenly School, as well as Memorial Middle School and Spotswood High School.

According to the New Jersey Department of Education, 1,766 students were enrolled during the 2014-2015 school year.