Cheetahs 18U Premier team preps for trips to California


A llentown Cheetahs 18U Premier softball team turned in a solid tuneup for their upcoming pair of trips to Huntington Beach, California, sweeping all five games in their fall invitational tournament last weekend.

The tournament welcomed a dozen teams from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

“We could play better, but playing against these teams is different from playing teams in California who play all yearround,” Cheetahs director and team manager David Dominici said. “We won games [by low scores) with mistakes that we would’ve won, 8-0, without the mistakes. And against some California teams, we’d lose, 8-0, with those mistakes. “This is a tune-up to help us get ready for next summer. We’ve gotten to the point where we’ve set our expectations high after finishing fifth in the national championships last year, and we can’t rest on our laurels. But this is a good start with fall workouts just underway. We’re in good shape.”

The Cheetahs go to the Team New Jersey showcase in Edison later this month and then compete in Huntington Beach the third weekends of October and November, just as they did a year ago.

The Cheetahs 18U Gold team was 3-2 and the 16U team was 4-2 in the Allentown showcase brackets.