Metuchen needs change in administration

It’s election time again, and “same old, same old” results have become a way of life in the borough.

In this “one-party” town, the names change from time to time, but the lockstep message seems to stay the same.

That’s probably OK if you are among the “chosen,” as preferential treatment appears to be a reality.

As a resident of 35-plus years, I believe that many Metuchenites are being short-changed by the current and recent administrations.

Take, for instance, quality of life issues. As reported in my numerous letters to the editor in the Sentinel, I have sent scores of email complaints to the mayor, the council, the police chief and public works supervisor documenting numerous derelictions and asking for their remediation: non-enforcement of the big truck restrictions on Eggert and Grove avenues; non-repair of noisy manholes, potholes and chronic road flooding; insufficient police patrols, problems with response and other issues.

There’s no response to my emails nor remediation of the many bona fide problems cited.

The present and recent administrations are, in ways, a sham.

It’s time for a change, for some fresh air and a new voice as mayor.

Dan Lebar has extensive and impressive experience and credentials in borough government, and he’s got my vote.

He’s not perfect (who is?), but he’s much more likely to be a better mayor than what the entrenched-poorly performing party has to offer.

Raymond G. Douglas Metuchen