Tasneem Qamar Sultan, West Windsor
To the editor:
Unlike her other supporters, I have known Michele Kaish just over a year. Michele and I became friends immediately when I met her in a PTA meeting a year after moving from Alabama. She always encouraged and guided me through my second year at WW-P as I did not know about the policies and the culture of the school.
During the year not only have I found her to be a loving, thoughtful, and humble person, but also learned about her passion, enthusiasm, and deep commitment to WW-P schools which goes far beyond the interests of her own children. I have seen her in every PTSA meeting as she cares deeply about the quality of education for all students.
WW-P is extremely fortunate to have a candidate such as Michele with her caliber and commitment to improve this school system. I believe that her vision, expertise, leadership abilities, and dedication will enhance the near future of this school system through her great characteristics.
I encourage all WW-P residents to re-elect Michele Kaish as a member of the WW-P school board.
Tasneem Qamar Sultan
West Windsor