LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Lessons learned

It is with great pride that I endorse Sean Deverin and Fran McGovern for Cranbury Township Committee.
As Republican municipal chair it is my obligation to seek out candidates that want to run for Township Committee. Cranbury is fortunate to have so many residents that have expertise, education and valuable experience. One quality that is difficult to find is enthusiasm to jump into the local political arena. Who has the time, energy and thick skin? I sometimes think it is easier to run in a large town, than a small one like Cranbury. If you sneeze in Cranbury, everyone knows it… The upside is you will have many tissues extended your way. The small town warmth makes Cranbury a wonderful community, but come every October, not only does the cool weather blow in but also a political divide. I truly wish I lived in Cranbury 30 years ago, when common sense and mutual respect was given to any candidate who was willing to offer their service. A time when who you were was more important than joining committees, organizations, and/or volunteering just so your resume is stacked. I have seen a lot in the 10 years I have been involved.
I am happy to have two excellent Township Committee candidates, who are who they are; no frills, no bells and whistles, but they are educated, experienced, and they have that one quality that is rare, the enthusiasm to jump in. Please remember to vote Nov. 3. Polls are open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. sharp.
Phylissanne Stehn 
Republican Municipal Chairwoman 
Cranbury 