HILLSBOROUGH: Former Congressman Rush Holt supports Vella, Zwicker for Assembly 

To the editor: 
It was my honor and privilege to represent the people of central New Jersey and to work to improve your quality of life. As a member of Congress and as a professional scientist, I’ve always believed that policy decisions should be based on evidence, not ideology.
On Nov. 3, you have a chance to elect two people to the General Assembly who will do just that.
Andrew Zwicker is a physicist and the head of science education at Princeton University’s Plasma Physics Laboratory, where I was once the assistant director. Many years ago, I hired Andrew and it was clear to me that as good as he was as a scientist, he was even better at relating to people. Andrew has devoted his career to finding solutions to difficult problems, such as developing a new source of clean energy and training the next generation of students to compete in a global economy.
I wasn’t surprised when he called me and said he wanted to be involved in public service and I said, without any hesitation at all, that I would like to help.
Maureen Vella is a former municipal judge, a family practice lawyer and a professional mediator. Maureen understands that legislation needs to be carefully crafted so that unintended consequences are few and far between and is a patient negotiator who works toward an acceptable compromise that will produce positive action.
New Jersey needs leaders like Andrew and Maureen now. 
Rush Holt 
Pennington 