Dr. Sophia Xu, Plainsboro
I am writing this letter to call your support for Jordon DeGroote who is running for member of West Windsor Plainsboro (WW-P) Board of Education (BOE).
Known to those who have been following the school district news, there are increasing concerns regarding the reform actions that the school district has been taking. Many excellent, proven successful educational programs have been eliminated or on the edge of being eliminated soon.
Those changes worried me and many fellow parents students and teachers. Furthermore, many of the changes occurred without input from the community. Apparently, there is a huge divergence between the board’s perception and the reality of the issues themselves.
Jordon DeGroote talked about his position, vision and ideas at the BOE meetings. I am impressed by his clear picture of his aspiration and his strong belief in improving transparency in decision-making processes and communications between the board, school officials and the students/parents. As we all know, this becomes imperative in our school district now.
It is time to introduce fresh blood to the BOE, to have someone who genuinely cares about the school, who knows what the students need, who is willing to be the true conduit between students/parents and school officials, and take inputs from the community.
I truly believe, with Jordon DeGroote on the BOE, there will be better communications between the BOE, school officials and students/parents. That is one step forward towards solving the problems this school district is currently facing.Thank you for your attention and support.
Dr. Sophia Xu