WEST WINDSOR-PLAINSBORO: DeGroote is determined to improve quality of education

Xiaoling Hou, West Windsor
I am writing this letter to support Jordon Degroote for West Windsor Board of Education.
I have heard many high school students and parents complained about the poor performance of some teachers, who do a much better job in teaching when someone who conducts teacher evaluation shows up in the classroom. Do you think that is absurd? Yes, but it happens as the current teacher evaluation system doesn’t consider the opinions from students. Parents say that you should consider yourself to be lucky if half of the teachers for your kids are good.
The defect in teacher evaluation system has contributed to the stress of many students. Instead of being helped by the teachers, kids are wasting their time in class. What is worse, they got meaningless but time consuming and labor intensive homework from teachers. The students work hard to finish the assignments, but could get no feedback from teachers. Such homework assignments help little in learning but only increase the workload of students.
Jordon is determined to improve the education quality. He calls for a new evaluation system that includes the voices of students. The new system will greatly help students and parents. It will also help to keep the great reputation of our district and hence the property value.Let us vote for Jordon DeGroote on Nov. 3. 
Xiaoling Hou 
West Windsor 