HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Coleman isn’t right in criticizing Lester

Debra A. Burd, Hopewell Township
Last week Bonnie Watson Coleman, a resident of Ewing Township, stepped in and told Hopewell Township residents how they should vote in the upcoming election. She stated without any reference to fact that our existing mayor had left us “vulnerable to the pipeline and developers.”
In fact, this statement is totally unfounded. This is the exact same Township Committee that Ms. Coleman praised as “the second municipality to formally oppose the PennEast Pipeline.” Harvey Lester has continued to work diligently with that opposition.
Furthermore, despite what Ms. Coleman of Ewing tells you about our town, our current mayor does listen and work to represent all the residents of Hopewell Township. In fact, he holds regular open office hours where neighbors can drop in and discuss their concerns. He held more public budget meetings this past year than his predecessor held in the past two years, and you always see him attending local community events.
Finally, under Mayor Lester’s leadership Hopewell Township has a Standard and Poor’s bond rating of AAA. Maybe Ms Coleman should be paying closer attention to the election in her own community where the tax rate exceeds Hopewell Township’s, and the bond rating is only AA. 
Debra A. Burd 
Hopewell Township 