To the editor:
It may come as a surprise to some that there are more than 5,000 registered Democratic voters in our town. Further, the viability of the Hillsborough Democratic party is shown by the fact that a local resident is vying for the Assembly, the county surrogate seat, as well as for the Township Committee.
Maureen Vella, as a former judge running for the Assembly seat, has seen firsthand the effects (good and bad) of legislation that affects every family. Because of her experience she will make sure that laws are written to benefit people, not the special interests.
Her running mate, Andrew Zwicker, is a Princeton University scientist who relies on evidence (not political ideology or rhetoric).
Christian Mastondrea, the Democratic candidate for surrogate, points out that this position requires the skills of an attorney. His opponent is not an attorney, so an attorney has to be hired at taxpayer expense to cover over this deficiency. Mr. Masotondrea, who is a noted attorney, points out that the role of surrogate affects every family, particularly during grieving or household transactions. A trained attorney is clearly a great benefit to the public.
The Democratic candidates for the Township Committee are two remarkable women who will work for our interests. We can end the tight control of the Township Committee by exercising your citizen right to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Join us in the drive to double the 2014 Hillsborough town turnout and to elect the team of Harris and Poppe, the team of new ideas and new leadership.
Amadeo D’Adamo Jr.