MANVILLE: School shouldn’t move its Halloween parade to indoors 

To the editor: 
Manville decides to cancel its outside Halloween parade for an inside one on Friday. The reason to do this from the Manville School District is safety and security reasons. What a blanket statement.
Yes, we have numerous other issues in our small town that needs to be addressed, both in town and in the schools. But I have seen numerous times the politically correct nonsense. I’ve called the school district this year and last year on it. So now there is outrage over the parade. I’m glad. I just wish the same outrage will continue for the other issues.
I stand with the parents/guardians of Weston School. Some change is OK. American tradition, mostly small town American tradition, need not change. The Manville School District needs to have the outside parade. There is no proof of safety and security reasons. Only because a person or persons have a problem with it, does not equal change it. It’s tradition. Deal with it or leave. Outside Halloween parade. We pay for the schools and their salaries. 
Edward Stout 
Manville 