HILLSBOROUGH: Democrats Harris, Poppe commend positive campaign by all for local office 

To the editor: 
We would like to thank all the voters who came out to vote on Nov. 3. We appreciated seeing so many people exercise their right to vote —19 percent of the registered voters in the community voted. The most rewarding part of this 2015 campaign was meeting so many of our residents and conversing with them. We hope that we were able to convey to the students watching our campaign with interest, that we conducted our campaign in a positive light using tactful and diplomatic ways to address community issues important to our township residents.
Being in politics these days conveys to some a negative connotation because of all the discord and lack of resolution on a national level. In light of this, we are proud that our township was able to conduct the campaign from all sides — Republican, Independent or Democrat with the decorum that is commendable of a township that respects its residents and values those who exercise civic engagement on behalf of serving the public; while suggesting ways to improve issues and solve problems as a concerned community.
We would have had a tall order to fill after hearing from our residents about the traffic congestion in the 206 corridor; the bypass road to nowhere; the empty store front concerns; the lack of transparency in allowing the off-track wagering facility to become a part of our town; the decision of the Historic Preservation Committee to allow the demolition of the Doris Duke Country Manor Home here in Hillsborough (which has now gained global recognition); the need for a community center of town to be established; and the problem of the ever-increasing deer population.
We wish the incumbents Greg Burchette and Carl Suraci the best as they continue to represent the residents of Hillsborough and we look forward to watching them move our town forward in a positive direction as part of the team of the Township Committee. 
Ann Harris 
Laurie Poppe 
Hillsborough Township