I would like to thank the voters of Allentown for their support for my running mates Johnna Stinemire and Robert Strovinsky and I in the 2015 election for Borough Council and mayor, respectively.
Thank you to the many folks I have met who have shared their thoughts about Allentown. I am honored and humbled by the opportunity you have given my running mates and I to serve Allentown. We look forward to working with the current Borough Council.
I will focus on the priorities outlined during our campaign, including resolving the sewer plant problem without compromising the historic character of the community, increasing parking availability for a destination-centered business district, improving pedestrian and vehicle safety throughout the borough and working with our bordering municipal leaders on mutually beneficial activities.
As mayor I will maintain an open door policy and encourage you to contact me with suggestions and concerns either directly, at Borough Council meetings, or other opportunities that will be announced in 2016.
Gregory J. Westfall