It has been a busy year so far on Hightstown Borough Council. We’ve stuck to our election promises of revitalizing the downtown and focusing on economic growth, all while keeping the tax rate down. Nearly $1 million in grants, a balanced budget, and paying down debt. You could say we’re more productive than those in Trenton and Washington.
But, the real credit goes to our professional staff at Hightstown. We received grants for Safe Streets to Schools, the Greenway Walking Bridge, and other infrastructure improvements. The borough installed a high-speed emergency notification system for residents. We purchased a new truck for our volunteer Fire Department, completed multiple road projects, installed new stop signs, and expanded our housing code enforcement.
In terms of revitalizing Hightstown, the Rug Mill was purchased and is on track to become a potential site for development. Furthermore, Downtown Hightstown Inc. held several public workshops for “Downtown and Lakeside Improvements” to brainstorm on creating the most unique downtown experience. The first of its kind in town, it was truly an apolitical strategic blueprint for a brighter future for all residents.
Finally, we expanded on our town’s historic preservation efforts and First Lady Michelle Obama designated the borough as a Preserve America Community.
However, these results only come from a council and mayor working together and with our residents’ input.
There’s no barrier to what we can accomplish. Let’s keep it up!
Connor Montferrat
Hightstown councilman