Milltown council thanks Murray for three years of service

Staff Writer

MILLTOWN — As the Borough Council commenced its final meeting of the year, Patricia “Patty” Murray said she enjoyed her three years serving on the council dais.

“It has been a real honor serving the residents of Milltown and it has been a great learning experience for myself personally,” she said on Dec. 14. “I am grateful for the opportunity and very humbled.”

Murray, a Democrat, did not seek a second term in the November election. She said due to the nature of her business, which requires her to be out on the road, it would not be possible for her to serve another term.

“I’ll never say never … maybe in the future I hope for the opportunity again,” she said.

Murray served as chairwoman to the Parks & Recreation Department this past year and has served as chair to the Finance, Planning & Administration in the past.

Councilman Francis Guyette thanked Murray for her service and said she would be sorely missed.

Mayor Eric Steeber thanked Murray for her dedication to the residents of Milltown and presented her with the key to the city.

“You lead various departments making significant contributions and for that we will always be thankful,” he said to Murray.

Murray said she was touched and honored by the memento and said she will place it in her office.