Tinton Falls seeds second community garden

Staff Writer

TINTON FALLS — Following the success of the borough’s first community garden, a second garden is expected to be tilled, planted and in bloom this summer.

Denise Catalano, coordinator for the Tinton Falls Community Garden, said plots at a second garden on Water Street would be available this summer to complement the initial community garden at the Crawford House.

“At the Crawford House, we’ve been 100 percent full almost since its inception,” Catalano said. “I was working with the borough on finding a second location for years.

“It’s really good because we have the passion now, and we keep reopening it up.”

According to Catalano, residents on the waiting list for the Crawford House garden will be able to secure plots at the second location.

“Our first community garden in Tinton Falls opened in 2010 and has been 100 percent full almost every year,” Catalano said. “With a waiting list of people looking to participate every year, we knew we had a winner and looked for opportunities to expand.”

Catalano said the winter weather delayed some of the work to be done on the garden, but it will be ready before the end of spring.

“We physically still have to make the plots because the weather this year slowed us on that,” Catalano said. “It will definitely be ready for this summer. We are a few weeks away.

“Now we just have to fill it up with people.”

The Water Street garden will be divided into four sections, but only one of the sections will open for 2015.

“Initially, we are only opening up to section one because we are only creating plots for what is needed,” Catalano said. “There is no reason to create 40 plots when we only need 10 this year.”

Catalano said the garden is a chance for residents to not only enjoy planting and tending a garden, but also to socialize and be part of a community.

“A community garden gives people the opportunity to grow their own produce in many cases when they can’t do so otherwise,” Catalano said. “Participants share in both tangible and intangible rewards.

“We get to meet new people and make new friends, we get exercise, and we get to share our gardening knowledge to help others literally ‘grow’ in many ways.”

Catalano said the second site was secured thanks to the help of local Eagle Scout Alex Mayer.

“Basically, he got it approved, got the funding approved and built a second garden,” she said.

The garden at the historic Crawford House on Tinton Avenue has operated since 2010 with individual plots and a farm stand.

Proceeds from the farm stand support the restoration of the Crawford House.

Unlike the Crawford House garden, there are currently no plans for a farm stand at the Water Street garden.

In 2010, an additional garden was proposed by the Community Garden Committee at Riverdale Avenue West, but the plan drew criticism from some neighbors surrounding the park.

The proposal was ultimately struck down after it was discovered that the location was deed-restricted due to previous Green Acres funding.

Development of the new garden will take place in several phases. The initial phase will include 12 plots with additional plots made available as needed.

The gardening season at both locations runs from April 1 to Nov. 15.

To request an application, visit www.tintonfalls.com and click on the “Community” section, or contact [email protected].