“Forests for People — More Than You Can Imagine” is the theme for the 2011 Conservation Poster Contest sponsored by the Freehold Soil Conservation District and the N.J. Association of Conservation Districts.
Students in second to 12th grades in Middlesex and Monmouth counties are invited to create a poster highlighting their artistic talents while exploring the important role forests play in our everyday lives.
Freehold Soil Conservation District will award $100, $75 and $50 prizes in four grade categories. All first-place districtlevel posters will be submitted to a statelevel competition where cash prizes will also be awarded. One New Jersey grandchampion poster will be chosen and reproduced onto a pocket folder and distributed statewide.
Entry forms are available on the Freehold Soil Conservation District website at www.freeholdscd.org under Events, by calling 732-683-8500 or by emailing [email protected]. The entry deadline is Oct. 14.