Public hearing May 6 on Plumsted budget

Staff Writer

A public hearing on the Plumsted Township Committee’s $3.58 million budget for 2015 has been scheduled for 8 p.m. May 6 at the municipal building.

Committee members said the budget is in compliance with state financial regulations.

The budget will be supported in part by the collection of $1.89 million in a local tax levy from the owners of Plumsted’s residential and commercial properties.

The 2014 budget totaled $3.46 million and was supported in part by the collection of $1.84 million in local taxes.

Officials are asking property owners as a whole to pay $50,000 more in local taxes this year.

Plumsted is expected to receive $452,322 in state aid in 2015 — the same amount that was received in 2014.

Mayor Jack Trotta said the municipal tax rate will increase from 23.5 cents to 24 cents per $100 of assessed valuation.

In 2014, the average home in Plumsted was assessed at $276,048 and the owner of that home paid $648 in municipal taxes. In 2015, the average home in Plumsted is assessed at $279,100 and the owner of that home will pay about $670 in municipal taxes.

If an individual’s home was assessed at $250,000 in 2014 and is assessed at $250,000 in 2015, his municipal tax will increase from $588 to $600.

If an individual’s home was assessed at $350,000 in 2014 and is assessed at $350,000 in 2015, his municipal tax will increase from $823 to $840.

If an individual’s home was assessed at $350,000 in 2014 and is assessed at $375,000 in 2015, his municipal tax will increase from $823 to $900.

The increase in the municipal tax rate will have a different impact on each property owner depending on the assessed value of his home and/or property.

Municipal taxes are one component of a property owner’s total tax bill. Property owners also pay Plumsted Township School District taxes, Ocean County taxes and other assessments.

The municipal budget pays for items such as the Police Department, municipal professionals such as attorneys and engineers, and the administration of the municipality.

Police salaries and wages have increased from $735,000 in 2014 to $762,200 in 2015, according to the budget. Police salaries and wages account for slightly more than 21 percent of the municipal budget.

In 2015, municipal employees will pay about $75,000 of Plumsted’s projected group health insurance costs of more than $489,000. The employees’ payments will cover slightly more than 15 percent of the insurance premium.

This year’s operating expenses also include interlocal services agreements with the Plumsted school district for the continuation of courtesy busing ($54,778) and a school resource officer ($70,000).

Municipal employees will receive a 2 percentsalaryincreasefor2014anda2percent salary increase for 2015.

“We did not have [the increase] in the budget in the beginning of [2014], so we transferred money at the end of that year to give our employees a raise,” Trotta said.