Plan to mandate pledge is waste of effort

There is a move currently underway by our state Legislature to make the Pledge of Allegiance mandatory at all public meetings. Ironically, most of the bill’s loquacious supporters are the same sycophant politicians who huff and puff about the need to get government out of people’s lives.

I think this legislation has far more to do with pandering politicians trying to show their constituents how patriotic they are, rather than attempting to streamline the opening procedures at public meetings, as they claim.

We have countless millions living in and entering this country illegally, a national debt that is obscene, a government engaging in warrant-less secret surveillances on citizens, a fractured wall of state-church separation and a government that spends money like a drunken sailor.

Not only is this proposed legislation stupid, it is divisive. You can fix dumb, but stupid is forever — and that is exactly what this scheme is, if I may be permitted to say so. And you wonder what is wrong with this country.

If our legislators feel uncontrollably compelled to mandate something, how about term limits for all elected officials?

Borden Applegate