business briefs 

Businesses are needed to participate in a fall festival to be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 30 at the Serenity Hair Salon, 665 Bennetts Mills Road, Jackson. To participate, contact Korine at 732-833-6633.

“Seven Essential Tips for Career Promotion,” a free mini-workshop presented by Stephen Fraundorfer, owner of Professional Empowerment, will be held from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Oct. 9 in the Lakewood municipal building. The presentation will impart the habits necessary to move up in the corporate world and discuss how attitude plays a part in that trajectory. Email Bill DeMasi at [email protected].

Kathleen Clark of Howell has been promoted to branch manager at First Financial Federal Credit Union in Toms River. Clark began her employment with First Financial Federal Credit Union in 2010, where she served as assistant branch manager of the Howell and Freehold branches.

In 2011, she was named assistant manager of the Toms River branch. In her new role, she will be responsible for managing the day-to-day activities at the branch, as well as business development, attending community events, increasing the loan and deposit base, and the overall success of the Toms River branch.

Clark, who grew up in Jackson and earned a business degree with honors from Harcourt Learning Direct, brings more than 30 years of banking and management experience to her new role.

“What a Tablet Can Do for Your Business,” a seminar for small business owners and executives, will be held from 8:30-10 a.m. Oct. 2 in Room 104 at the Western Monmouth Higher Education Center of Brookdale Community College, Route 9, Freehold Township. A continental breakfast is included from 8-8:30 a.m.

Candice Theinert and Keith Belitrand, tablet device specialists from Verizon Wireless, will give attendees a comprehensive overview of the latest tablet technology, demonstrate how to use the business applications designed for a tablet, and show how Verizon’s technology can assist businesses with the increasing demands of mobile productivity.

In addition to the seminar, representatives will be on hand to explain programs such as Microsoft Office 365, a new mobile small business tool; information about technology that links and transmits data from one machine to another; examples of wireless uses for mobile data; and information about how to link business and personal life.

Workshop is free; registration is required. Call Andy Politi at 732-238-8290.