U.F. explores alternative bulk waste options

Officials against charging residents extra fees

BY JANE MEGGITT Correspondent

UPPER FREEHOLD — In a further effort to cut costs, the township is considering changes to its bulk waste drop-off.

At the April 14 Township Committee meeting, Township Administrator Dianne Kelly reported that she recently had a meeting with Department of Public Works (DPW) and other municipal employees about bulk waste and recycling.

According to Kelly, the township cannot by law close down its recycling yard and recommend that private companies pick up recyclables. In 2009, the township reduced the number of hours that the recycling yard was open. The yard, located behind the municipal building, is currently available to residents on Saturdays and Mondays. The township does not offer garbage collection, and Kelly said the waste management companies that contract privately with residents have recycling pickup available for a nominal fee.

Kelly said the township used to hold a cleanup week, then changed to a cleanup weekend, during which residents could drop off bulk items. The township then shifted to having a bulk waste container in the recycling yard at all times.

“It’s an expensive function to operate,” she said. “It costs $29,000 per year.”

Kelly added that if someone threw oil or hazardous material into the bulk waste container, the township could be held liable if it contaminated a landfill. The current contract for the bulk waste container ends in 2012, she said.

Kelly suggested offering the bulk waste dumpster at certain times of the year. She said another alternative is charging for dropoff of various items, such as $25 for a sofa or $20 for a dresser. Committee members were reluctant to charge residents bulk waste fees and said they would discuss the issue further.