Air base to host open house

For the first time since 2001, McGuire Air Force Base, Wrightstown, is scheduled to host an open house and air show. The Joint Military Forces Open House at McGuire is scheduled for June 4-5. Gates will open at 9 a.m. for the free event. The air show is from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“The theme of the air show is ‘Salute to Warriors,’ ” said Maj. Susan Washing-ton, open house executive director. “It is the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II and the 30th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. We want to honor all the warriors who have served in all the wars.”

A 2001 air show that was scheduled for Sept. 15 was cancelled due to the Sept. 11 attacks.

Since then the base has been unable to host an air show because of the unavailability of major demonstration teams and the base’s involvement in the global war on terrorism.

McGuire will feature several aerial demonstrations and static displays for this year’s event.

The two-day air show will host the Navy Blue Angels, Army Golden Knights, an F-16 Air Combat Command demonstration as well as an array of modern and vintage military aircraft.

The 305th Services Squadron is organizing a variety of food and beverage vendors for the open house event.

For updated open house information, visit the Internet Web site or call (609) 754-2104.