Three students at the Ocean County Vocational Technical School Jackson Center recently built a cabinet to house distance learning equipment for the Plumsted Township School District. Plumsted Superintendent Gerald Woehr (second from left) shakes hands with instructor Robert Gonsalves as he accepts the cabinet. They are joined by Michael Dean (l), technical director for the Plumsted school district, and Karl Ciak, OCVTS vice principal of technology and acting Jackson Center Principal (r). In front are students Chris Rasmussen, Derek Wood and John Goldstein, all of Plumsted.Three students at the Ocean County Vocational Technical School Jackson Center recently built a cabinet to house distance learning equipment for the Plumsted Township School District. Plumsted Superintendent Gerald Woehr (second from left) shakes hands with instructor Robert Gonsalves as he accepts the cabinet. They are joined by Michael Dean (l), technical director for the Plumsted school district, and Karl Ciak, OCVTS vice principal of technology and acting Jackson Center Principal (r). In front are students Chris Rasmussen, Derek Wood and John Goldstein, all of Plumsted.