‘Silent Servant’ to be honored

‘Silent Servant’ to be honored

PLUMSTED — The New Egypt United Methodist Church, 38 N. Main St., will be presenting its first "Silent Servant Award" at its church service on Sunday.

The award was created to honor a member of the New Egypt community who has quietly contributed hundreds of hours of volunteer time to the church. The theme for the service is "Talents and Gifts" and will include special music appropriate for the theme.

The actual identity of the member has been kept a secret and will be revealed at the 10 a.m. service. At that time a brief history of the member’s life and service to the church will be reviewed. The congregation will then know "the rest of the story."

Awards and mementos will be presented to the servant, and members of the Township Committee will be present to recognize the member. The planning committee for the service is inviting all past and present members of the church and community to attend and share this special day with the "Silent Servant."

The award service also falls on the last Sunday of the "In God We Trustee" Direct Challenge Fund Drive. This fund drive has brought to light the many repair and maintenance projects that need to be attended to in the church buildings and on the grounds.

To mark the last Sunday of the fund drive, the church will be holding a covered-dish "FUN"d-raising picnic after the Silent Servant Award Service.

This Silent Servant Award service is being held on the first Sunday of the summer season schedule.