Decoy and gunning show set for Sept. 25, 26

The 22nd annual Ocean County Decoy and Gunning Show will take place Sept. 25-26 at four locations in southern New Jersey. Free shuttle buses will transport visitors to and from Tip Seaman County Park, Pinelands Regional High School and Junior High School and the Tuckerton Seaport, all located in Tuckerton.

The event will feature more than 50 seminars, demonstrations and contests, including the New Jersey State Duck Calling contest at Tip Seaman County Park stage area, as well as 400 exhibitors displaying and selling items such as decorative and working decoys, wildlife art and photos, crafts, wildlife-themed and outdoor clothing, hunting and fishing supplies, antiques and much more.

Many environmental nonprofit agencies will display information and offer hands-on activities for children. Entertainment will feature live bands and soloists. Food will also be available. This year a trolley will be on hand to take visitors to Tuckerton’s shops.

Admission to the Decoy and Gunning Show is free. The show is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. at all four locations. For more information call (609) 971-3085.