Resident fears that U.S. is heading downhill

This country is supposed to be based on voting that favors the majority. Unfortunately, it is currently not working. It costs a lot of money to get elected, and that money is currently being supplied by large companies and the super rich. These two groups have the ears of the politicians and are influencing our laws. The super rich have influenced tax laws that give them ways of avoiding taxes and shifting the burden onto everyone else. Large companies favor operations outside our borders. What are needed now to save our economy are tariffs on imported products and laws that stop jobs from being sent overseas. What is needed to lessen our tax burden is fewer loopholes. A law that limits the amount of a campaign contribution to a very small amount would give the people back their vote. But no politician would back a law that would destroy his gravy train. The system has it own drawbacks. I have no suggestions on howto get this country back to how it is supposed to operate, but I do believe we are heading downhill toward being a less powerful nation with a large gap between the haves and have-nots.

Richard Oehling Hazlet