Library headquarters to host Archives and History Day

MANALAPAN — The preservation of New Jersey history will be the focus of Archives and History Day Oct. 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters, Symmes Drive.

Celebrated during Archives Week, Archives and History Day was established by the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference in 1996. The event brings together archivists, genealogists, historians, teachers, students and members of the public interested in learning about the people and organizations involved in the preservation of New Jersey history.

Archives, historic sites, historical societies, libraries, museums, history-related government agencies and other not-for-profit organizations in New Jersey staff table exhibits pertaining to their programs, archival collections and the history of the state and local communities.

Historical re-enactor Christian Johnson will portray William Livingston, New Jersey’s first governor and a leader in the American Revolution. A thematic exhibit will display facsimiles of archival documents from the Revolutionary era, some of which were written by or to Livingston.

The documents are from the Monmouth County Archives, Monmouth County Park System Archives, New Jersey Historical Society, Princeton University and Rutgers University. Additional programs on Oct. 18 include videos, a book repair workshop (bring damaged books for a consultation with the "Book Doctor"), and tours of the Monmouth County Archives.

Archives Week at the library also includes two preconference workshops on Oct. 15, including a National History Day training workshop for teachers, and a workshop on using primary sources to research and preserve historic buildings. Registration is required for the workshops.

Additional information and a program are available on the Monmouth County Archives Internet Web site, archives, or by calling (732) 308-3771.