Family Bingo, Pizza Dinner set at temple

The Temple B’nai Shalom Religious School will host a Family Bingo and Pizza Dinner 6-9 p.m. Feb. 12 at the temple, Fern and Old Stage roads, East Brunswick. Families, parents, grandparents and children of all ages are invited to attend.

The event will feature bingo, dinner, dessert and prizes for all children. Cost is $13 per adult, $5 per child; price includes pizza, drink and dessert. All children must be supervised and accompanied by an adult.

To RSVP, call the temple at 732-251- 4300 by Feb. 6.

Checks should be made payable to Temple B’nai Shalom and sent to Temple B’nai Shalom, Attn: Religious School Office- Bingo, P.O. Box 957, East Brunswick, NJ 08816.