EAST BRUNSWICK — The township Senior Meals program is celebrating 30 years of serving the elderly population.
“It really takes a village. … We have a great group of volunteers who say they get more out of it by giving out the meals,” said Rachel Steinberg, director of the Department of Aging. “It’s a win-win for everybody.”
The Township Council presented the Senior Meals program with a proclamation at a meeting on Nov. 23.
Steinberg said countless hours are spent meeting the needs of the township’s oldest residents.
“Over the years, we have served tens of thousands of meals,” she said, adding that senior citizens would like to stay as independent as they can and live on their own in their own homes.
On average, the program serves 35 residents per day, five days a week, according to Sharon Reilly-Marosy, assistant director of the Department of Aging.
She said it’s not just about the food, but also the daily conversation and interaction that are important to the seniors.
Steinberg and Reilly-Marosy said the job can be labor intensive; however, it is a rewarding job as well.
Donna Faulkenberry, counselor with the Department of Aging, said volunteers are always welcome, explaining that some volunteers help once or twice a week and some help every day.
The time frame to help serve meals is from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Faulkenberry said if people have free time during their lunch hour, they would welcome volunteers.
For more information about the Senior Meals program, contact the Department of Aging at 732-390-6896.