Arts Council unveils new spring session courses

   Registration is under way for The Arts Council of Princeton’s spring session, which will offer classes for children, teens, and adults in a variety of artistic areas, including ceramics, photography, painting, drawing. Spanish flamenco dance, parent-and-child classes, theater and drama, film appreciation, and creative writing.
   The spring session of classes begins Monday, April 8.
   In addition to regular classes, many new classes have been added to the schedule.
   ‡ Among them is "The Magic Eye," a film appreciation class for adults. The class will take film lovers on a journey inside the world of cinema. The instructor will focus each class on a particular film and director — from 150 years ago to the present — and will touch on film language, cinematography, sound and music, editing, acting and script. Discussions will precede and follow each film, and students can try their hand at writing film criticism.
   ‡ Another new adult class is "Lifestories." Participants who have a story to tell share it with the class. The instructor will help participants rediscover the feeling of sitting around the kitchen table, sharing stories with family and friends, and engage them in various exercises to jog their memories and unearth forgotten treasures.
   The fee for "Lifestories" is $45. The class is limited to 12 students.
   In addition, the Arts Council’s ongoing Guided Writing Group ($45 for the entire 8 weeks) is inviting new members as well as former participants.
   ‡ Adults with an interest in playwriting can sign up for "Playwriting: The Art & The Craft — The Fundamental Tools." This introductory course will focus on learning the tools that help one craft a play. Through exercises in the building blocks of scene writing (creating dramatic event, conflict, character, action and dialogue), the course will focus on the nuts and bolts that turn expression into art.
   For teens, the Arts Council is offering a new Illustration class that reveals the secrets of commercial artists. Students will be encouraged to develop their own styles and explore new ones.
   Middle-school students also have new classes to choose from, such as "Folk Art," which will enable them to explore artistic styles throughout the world. Students will follow folk art traditions while creating individual examples in a variety of mediums, from sculpture to canvas.
   For pre-teens, "Kids Should be Scene and Heard!," an acting class, will focus on the three most important aspects of acting — developing the imagination, using the body in creative ways, and finding various character voices.
   The Arts Council of Princeton is located at 102 Witherspoon Street and can be reached by calling (609) 924-8777.