To the editor:
It is a sad day for us when the managing editor of a newspaper is so misguided yet sits in such an influential seat. Mr. Kalet’s view of Tim Robbins as a greater patriot than John Ashcroft is disturbing.
First, I never knew that degrees of patriotism existed. Clearly, the issue is not one of who is the greater patriot, but rather what are the ultimate goals of a country. Until Sept. 11, it had been in this country’s best interest to promote economic gains, grow jobs, and provide our children with a solid education and stable environment. Post 9/11, the issue of security heads the list, and has become President Bush’s top priority.
To think for even one moment that an intellectual lightweight such as Tim Robbins should have some influence on foreign policy or national security is the equivalent of a "chill wind." Sure, he has the freedom to speak his mind, and therefore he accepts the responsibility of the economic backlash he incurs. The true patriots who founded this great country were willing to lose their lives. This doesn’t sound much like a Tim Robbins type of patriotism to me.
It is apparent from your comments that there is no situation in which war will ever be justified, based on your quote taken out of context from Albert Einstein and "senseless violence." The sad truth is that sometimes you do have to fight back.
People like you scare me more than a John Ashcroft because I am not ready to give this country away. People like you confuse civil liberty infringement with increased security. My freedoms are not minimized because I have to remove my shoes or undo my belt buckle at the airport. I will gladly allow a guard to frisk me if I believe everyone is subjected to this check, and my flight is therefore more secure. Yes, it is less convenient than before. We live in a different world than before.
Finally, you should keep in mind who the patriots were rebelling against during our country’s fight for independence. They were struggling to create a new government, fighting for representation and religious freedom.
The heroes you seem to hold in such high esteem are blatantly against our existing government, which is trying to uphold our founding ideals and beliefs.
Tim Robbins as a rebel that you equate with this country’s great founders? Hardly. Your perception of patriotism is frighteningly flawed.
Ken Siegel
Kendall Park