To the editor
I am writing regarding a situation that occurs year after year. Today, I opened the Courier News Graduation Yearbook in anticipation of finding Hillsborough High School’s list of graduates. But once again our seniors are left out.
Under the listing of Hillsborough High School it states, "School officials declined to release a list of candidates for graduation, as per school policy."
What exactly is the reasoning behind this policy? I would like to know why out of 20 high schools in Somerset County, Hillsborough is the only school that does not publish their list.
I would like to ask the board why is it that Bernards, Bound Brook, Montgomery, Ridge, Somerset County Vo-Tech, Somerville and Watchung Hills High School can make their list of graduation candidates available to publish before graduation ceremonies but Hillsborough cannot?
The Hillsborough Board of Education is doing a disservice to our graduates. I believe that this policy needs to be revised in order to congratulate our seniors on a job well done.
Railsedge Road