Letter: Abshutz remarks were insulting

To the editor:
What further point is Mr. Abschutz trying to make with last week’s follow-up to his previous remarks? Does he mean to say that it’s his "public mission" to openly disrespect our school employees? Or is he implying that it is to our children’s benefit that he made his inflammatory comments? Does an agitated workforce somehow improve the quality of education here in South Brunswick?
   He has expressed his opinion about "last best offer." He fears that elimination of last best offer will "tip the balance towards unions in labor negotiations." I am inclined to disagree. A last best offer provision gives the employer an unfair advantage in the collective bargaining process. As long as this provision is in effect, the balance is already tipped towards the employer.
   But Mr. Abschutz has gone a step beyond just stating his case. In his effort to support his argument, he made several comments which I found to be arrogant, insensitive, and out of touch. These remarks can only be perceived as an insult to our teachers and school staff, as well as to all working class citizens of this community.
   Mr. Abschutz’s position as a school board member makes his statements even more unsettling.
   You’ve made your point, Mr. Abschutz. No further clarification is necessary. I think an apology would be more appropriate.
John Smith
