The new acquisition is said to be a bargain at $3,000.
By: Linda Seida
NEW HOPE They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
The same maxim seems to apply to municipalities.
Mayor Laurence Keller recently announced the borough’s purchase of Lambertville’s old street sweeper. The new acquisition is considered quite a bargain at $3,000, according to the mayor. He noted Lambertville recently paid about $115,000 for a new sweeper.
"It obviously doesn’t have a lot of mileage," Mayor Keller said of the new purchase.
The 1988 model bought from neighboring Lambertville replaces the borough’s old 1979 model. It has power steering, air conditioning, an automatic transmission and spring suspension with an air-ride seat, features that will greatly please the borough’s road department, he said.
"They even put new brushes on it for us for something like $600," Council President Richard Hirschfield said.
He called the buy "a great upgrade."
Lambertville officials said they saved about $3,500 by buying a new model in December before prices were expected to rise. The new sweeper was needed in advance of the amount of sweeping the city expects to perform in coming years as improvements are made to streets and drainage.
The city’s new sweeper replaced a 15-year old demo model.