HIGHTSTOWN: Grant to be used to renovate housing

By Sean Ruppert, Staff Writer
   HIGHTSTOWN — The Housing Authority will renovate vacant and handicapped-accessible units with a $171,440 grant it is set to receive as part of the federal stimulus package.
   The funds are part of about $104 million in grants headed to New Jersey for low- income housing through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s office announced March 18.
   Housing Authority Executive Director Amy Aughenbaugh said the authority plans to renovate three units for the disabled and 10 to 12 units that are either vacant or scheduled to become vacant in the near feature.
   The authority has a total of 100 units.
   She said the handicapped-accessible units would be upgraded with things like tilt mirrors, shower stalls and grab bars in the bathrooms. The vacant units will receive energy efficient appliances, energy efficient faucets and new floors, she added.
   ”I am excited to be part of stimulating the local economy,” Ms. Aughenbaugh said.
   The Newark Housing Authority received by far the most funding in the state, garnering a $27.9 million grant. The Trenton Housing Authority received the most in Mercer County and third most in the state, at $4.6 million.
    “These funds will give housing authorities resources to better serve their residents and help ensure thousands of families across New Jersey can remain in safe, affordable housing,” Sen. Lautenberg said in a release.