Obama administration damages the economy

T.B. Fisher of Princeton
    With each passing day the enormity of the error we made in the last election becomes more obvious. Turning the entire government structure over to the wrecking crew of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has already done almost irretrievable damage to our basic economy and our liberty.
   Nothing these people do is what it appears to be.
   Everything the ideologues want to destroy has to be labeled “crisis” so legislation can be rammed through before the people understand what is being done. The “stimulus” bill is a good example. It had to be passed in such a hurry that nobody in Congress had time to even read it. Now we are finding that it was loaded up with all the anti-capitalist baggage the liberals have been trying in vain to pass for years. The purpose it seems is not to fix the economy as much as to increase the power of the federal government over our lives. The debasing of our currency that goes with it is never mentioned either.
   Pressure is building to force the “employee free choice act” through, but they don’t explain how free choice is enhanced by replacing the secret ballot with open intimidation by union “organizers.”
   The sheer stupidity of closing the terrorist impoundment facility at Guantanamo with no plan for what to do with these dedicated killers should be obvious to all.
   The thought and speech control Nazis seem to have taken command as well. They will no longer allow anyone in the administration to call a terrorist a “terrorist.”
   The big fuss that is being encouraged by spotlighting the bonus payments to AIG employees is a way to distract attention from the trillions of dollars being thrown away by the government itself. The bonus payments, which are spelled out in contracts predating the stimulus, are less than .1 percent of the total. This is a deliberate distraction.
   Even more serious is the attitude of Sen. Charles Schumer of New York when he publicly promised to abuse the taxing power to target the bonus recipients with confiscatory taxes. This is a “bill of attainder” which is specifically forbidden by the constitution. His attitude that Congress can do anything it wants should frighten any who value the freedom that we enjoy in America. If they can do this to anyone they are angry with, they can do it to any of us if we step out of line. The founders understood this and that is why they forbade it.
   The manmade global warming hoax is about to be used to destroy the petroleum industry with no viable substitute in sight except coal and nuclear power. This, of course ignores the fact that your pension fund, IRA, 401k, and any other investments you may have will be adversely affected if they tax away the profits that pay the dividends. They don’t mention the damage an energy shortage will do to the rest of the economy.
T.B. Fisher