Eighty volunteer tax counselors have been trained to assist Somerset County residents in preparing their federal and New Jersey income tax returns.
After passing the IRS and AARP tests, these volunteers are ready to help low- and middle-income residents. Special emphasis is placed on helping senior citizens and residents with disabilities.
All 80 volunteers have taken additional training in order to help residents who wish to file their returns electronically. E-filing enables taxpayers to obtain a more rapid refund, if applicable.
Tax-preparation volunteers will be working at locations around the county. Six sites – in Hillsborough, Raritan, Manville, Bridgewater, Franklin and Green Brook – have been designated for e-filing.
The program is by appointment only.
In 2010, about 2,300 tax returns were filed with the assistance of county volunteers.
To take advantage of this free service, gather up all the required documents (W-2 forms; bank, broker and Social Security statements; medical and other expenses, and a copy of your last year’s returns) and call the county Office of Volunteer Services at 908-541-5710 for an appointment.