HILLSBOROUGH: Senior citizens’ "Pizza and a Movie" resumes Sept. 19

Senior citizens club, center news

Our fall activities in the Senior Activity Room kick off with the Pizza & Movie program resuming on Friday, Sept. 19, at noon with "Arsenic and Old Lace." "Ethnic Appetizers & Desserts" will be held Friday, Sept. 26, at 1 p.m.
Free flu shots will be offered following the September and October meetings.
Senior Olympics will be sponsored by Hillsborough Township for all township seniors on Wednesday, Oct. 1, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Ann Van Middlesworth Park. Contact social services (908-369-3880) or recreation (908-369-4832) departments for registration or more information.
Trips & Programs
Wed., Sept. 10 — Pines Luncheon Theater in Allentown, Pa., for "Life Could Be a Dream" ’60s doowop show. Depart 10:30 a.m. from Lowe’s parking lot. Cost is $52 for members, $79 for non-members.
Wed., Sept. 17 — "Rational Controversy" at 10 a.m. is a discussion looking at a wide variety of topics. Participants share opinions and listen respectfully to others. Civility and rationality are essential. Bring an open mind, an articulate tongue and a sense of humor. The moderator is Dick Meier. Bring your coffee. All Hillsborough seniors are welcome.
Thurs., Sept. 25 and Oct. 23 — Hillsborough Senior Bingo, hosted by Chapter B, at 11:30 a.m. at the Municipal Building. Hot dog lunch and one card is $3, two cards $5. Ticket is required.
Mon., Oct. 6 — Our next trip to the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Open to members and non-members (over 21) for $30, with $25 returned. Departing at 9 a.m. from the Lowe’s parking lot, returning about 7:30 p.m. Call Jo at 908-359-6418 for reservations. Pay on bus.
Tues., Oct. 7 — Oktoberfest at Platzl Brauhaus in Pomona, N.Y., for a full day of food, music, dancing and entertainment. Depart 8:45 a.m. from the park and ride parking area near Lowe’s. Cost is $52 for members, $79 for non-members.
Thurs., Oct. 16 — Appreciation lunch at Hillsborough Municipal Building multi-purpose room. Lunch at 11:30 a.m., bingo from 1-3 p.m. Cost is $12, refunded at event.
News & Notes
Our next monthly meeting is today, Thursday, Sept. 4. Mark Nagle from Belle Mead Physical Therapy will speak on rehabilitation.
The rescue squad will be present at every regular meeting to check blood pressure. We encourage our members to go into the Senior Activity Room before the meeting and take advantage of this service.
Our president is Dorrie Guarniero, 908-334-8091. Executive Board meetings are the 4th Wednesday of every month unless otherwise noted. The suggestion box is available at each meeting.
All Hillsborough seniors age 60 and older are invited. Younger spouses of seniors are also eligible for membership. Dues are $5 a year and new members may join at any meeting. Our membership chairman is Loretta Tansey at 908-359-1171.
Doors open at 11:30 a.m., allowing time to review upcoming events and make reservations. Refreshments are available at noon and after the meeting, too. Help our Food Bank by bringing an item to each meeting.
Throughout the year, Lions Recycle for Sight volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength and package eyeglasses. They’re distributed to people where they will have the greatest impact. Lions accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses, children’s glasses and plastic and metal frames. There is a drop box for these eyeglasses in the lobby of the municipal building.
Senior room activities:
Shuffleboard, the pool table and darts are available to all Hillsborough seniors. The computer room is fully equipped for use and enjoyment.
Monday: Knitting from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday: Bridge from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Tripoli at 12:30.
Wednesday: Mah jongg from noon to 4 p.m.
Thursday: Bridge from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Friday: Mah jongg from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
— Gene Reinhardt, Publicity Chairperson 
Our next monthly meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 10. Doors will open at 10:45 a.m., at which time you can sign up for future trips listed below. The meeting begins at 12:30 p.m.
Tickets for the fall luncheon on Oct. 9 will be on sale at the September meeting only. Tickets for all special events will only be sold at monthly meetings.
A special event for all seniors in Hillsborough will be the Senior Olympics, which is now scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 1 (rain date is Oct. 8) at Ann Van Middlesworth Park, 11 to 3 p.m. Many events to choose from, including softball pitch, bean bag toss, bocce ball, horseshoes and pickle ball. Contact Social Services to register. Lunch will be available for $8 or bring your own.
Volunteers are needed to stuff tax bill envelopes on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at 9 a.m. in the all-purpose room in the municipal building. Coffee and refreshments provided.
Activities and Trips
The next bingo will be Thursday, Sept. 25. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $3 for 1 card, or $5 for two, which includes two hot dogs, chips, drink and a dessert, along with prizes and surprises.
On Oct. 22, there’ll be a trip to the Octoberfest at Ehrhardt’s in Hawley, Pa. Cost of $74 includes bus, breakfast snack, demonstrations, music and dancing, open bar from noon to 3 p.m., family-style lunch, German show.
A two-night trip to Dover (Delaware) Downs Hotel and Casino is planned for Nov. 18-20. Two breakfasts, two dinners. $30 per day for slot play, visit to Dickerson Plantation, tour a winery, Dover Downs Speedway. $185. Tickets on sale at September and October meetings.
On all trips, you should bring photo ID and health insurance card(s).
Community Calendar
Sept. 11: Somerset Valley Players, 8 p.m., "I Hate Hamlet."
Sept. 11: Library program at 7 p.m. on theories who kidnapped the Lindbergh baby in 1932.
Sept. 12: Library movie at 7 p.m. To be announced.
Sept. 19: Pizza and movie, "Arsenic and Old Lace," presented by Club A. $5. Senior Room.
Sept. 17: Library movie at 1:30 p.m. To be announced.
Sept. 23: Library program on "Wonders of the Sourlands," 7 p.m.
A free exercise program available to all Hillsborough seniors is held in the municipal building Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at are now 11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Classes are led by certified instructors. Free transportation is available. Call 908-369-3880 for details. Current participants with regular attendance now also enjoy many free classes at the Hillsborough YMCA.
Stay active and have fun with old and new friends!
— Chickie Haines 
For information, call 908-874-3231 
Adults age 60 and older are invited to visit the county-operated Hillsborough Senior Center at 339 South Branch Road. The center is open from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. Its phone is 908-369-8700.
Transportation is available.
Enjoy lunch for a suggested donation of $1.50 or more. (Price for guests under 60: $5.35). Call 908-369-8700 before 10:30 a.m. the day before to make a lunch reservation.
Center schedule:
Thurs., Sept. 4 — "Hearing Screenings and Hearing Aid Tuneups" with Dr. Farah M. Said, Raritan Valley Audiology.
Fri., Sept. 5 — Bingo Blast. Try your luck today while enjoying the camaraderie and competition with fellow members.
Mon., Sept. 8 — September is National Mushroom Month. Nancy Rosa-Mejias, program coordinator, Family and Community Health Sciences, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, will explain their history, processing, research regarding their health benefits and how you can incorporate them in your diet.
Tues., Sept. 9 — Learn to create beautiful lotus flowers using special origami paper and paper-folding techniques with Joy Ann Lara, sponsored by the Horizons Foundation. Class size is limited.
Wed., Sept. 10 — "Broadway Anniversaries in Song" with Josie Mescallado. West Side Story opened on Broadway in September 1957, and Fiddler on the Roof in the same month in 1964. Josie will offer her vocal renditions of these shows’ popular tunes.
Thurs., Sept. 11 — September is National Coupon Month. Celebrate with our own coupon exchange. Bring your coupons and swap with your fellow members.
Fri., Sept. 12 — Michael Rockland, professor and chair of the Department of American Studies at Rutgers University will examine how various ethnic groups struggle to become American while simultaneously maintaining their identity and integrity. The "melting pot" as a metaphor describing American life has been replaced by the "salad bowl" or "the mosaic." This program is funded by the Horizon Speakers Bureau of the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Mon., Sept. 15 — Celebrate Healthy Aging Month. Let’s celebrate by developing a slogan for Somerset County’s Senior Centers that represents your philosophy on the secrets to healthy longevity. The winning slogan will be used at the upcoming fundraising walkathon on Oct. 25 at Duke Island Park.
Tues., Sept. 16 — "Aroma Therapy: Listening to Your Senses" by Meredith Krantz, Avalon, 10:30 a.m. She will guide you on how scents can help relax your muscles, enhance your mood and help release stress.
Wed., Sept. 17 — "What to Do about Mold in Your Home" by Eric Wairen, N.J. Department of Health. Learn the do’s and don’ts of addressing a mold issue.
Thurs., Sept. 18 — Visit to the Manville Senior Center for "Bees & the Buzz on Honey," with honey sampling, by Cathy Bluming from Wolgast Tree Farm & Apiary. She will demonstrate how bees make honey. Taste unique flavors that vary by the bees’ "diet" (i.e., clover, orange blossom, New Jersey blueberry, buckwheat and coffee honey from Mexico). September is National Honey Month!
Fri., Sept. 19 — Learn about the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) in a lively presentation by Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner. Learn about the special foods, including apples and honey, and popular customs that symbolize leaving the past behind.
Mon., Sept. 22 — "Standing Tall Against Falls" by Caitlin Witucki, health promotion coordinator at the Somerset County Office on Aging & Disability Services. Learn to determine the risk factors associated with falls, realize how common falls are in older adults, understand the consequences that can occur from a fall, and learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce risk of falls. 10:30 a.m.
Tues., Sept. 23 — Annual picnic at Ann Van Middlesworth Park with entertainment by Ken Tenkel and Pete Piccarillo, 10:30-12:30 p.m.
Wed., Sept. 24 — Local author Linda Barth reviews New Jersey inventions and their famous and not so famous inventors. The modern submarine, bubble wrap, Graham crackers, color TV transistors, ice cream cones and bar codes were all invented in the state.
Thurs., Sept. 25 — "Is Exercise All That It’s Cracked Up to Be?" by Snehal Davda, Kessler Rehabilitation Center. He’ll also talk about how to select the right sneaker for your purposes.
Fri., Sept. 26 — Are you noticing some loss of strength in your grip or limited flexibility at your knuckles and wrist? Learn some simple movements to help address these issues.
Mon., Sept. 29 — Shoprite dietician Join Rachel Simpers as she offers some tasty tips, tastings and recipes for foods that help keep cholesterol in check for heart health.
Tues., Sept. 30 — "Name That Tune: Music from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s" by Meredith Krantz, Avalon. Sing along and "Name that Tune."