WEST WINDSOR-PLAINSBORO: DeGroote will help move community forward

Ming Pan, West Windsor
As a father of two in WW-P school district, nothing has kept me more sleepless than the recent sweep of moves — to cut back on the opportunities for students to advance in areas of interest or talent. (Dramatic cutbacks are enacted or proposed on programs like Option II, A&E, and orchestra.)
It hurts the students in too many ways for hair-pulling reasons and largely doubtful benefits. And without these very programs that help our district stand out among great many, the educational excellence of WW-P will be badly hurt. So will the overall strength of the community, home values, and, precisely, every resident.
The district needs, urgently, a new vision.
That’s why I support Jordon DeGroote, a young and firm candidate running for WW-P school board this year, who vows to make the system transparent, responsive, and accountable, to represent the voice of students, parents, teachers, and taxpayers, and to reflect the “actual” rather than “perceived” student experience on the board.
Can’t wait to see our community moving forward with Jordon DeGroote. 
Ming Pan 
West Windsor 