Proliferation of cellular towers legitimate concern

Proliferation of cellular
towers legitimate concern

Millstone residents are right to be concerned about the ubiquitous cell phone towers that have sprung up across our land to feed the demands of the equally ubiquitous cell phone users.

Millstone officials believe their cell phone ordinance will stop the proliferation of new towers, and, hopefully, that’s true.

Rather than new towers, communications companies can be made to look first at existing tall structures where they can add antennas.

Towns and private companies are reaping benefits by leasing space on water towers and other tall structures.

The township currently has three towers, plus its Public Works Department radio antenna.

The main concern expressed at last week’s Township Committee meeting was that no one seems to know how many towers or antennas it would take to provide the kind of service cell phone users demand.

Over the years, cell tower applications have generated heated opposition in many towns. Plans to install multiple antenna even trigger grass-roots opposition.

Two residents at last week’s Township Committee meeting asked that officials develop a townwide strategy for telecommunications.

They also want to know where future towers would be constructed, but the township attorney advised that an interested provider cannot be forced to divulge such information.

Officials believe the current cell tower ordinance will control the number and location of future towers.

Time will tell.

Meanwhile, residents do have a right to be concerned and to ask that the township make sure it has control of the situation.