Millstone First Aid Squad needs you

If you’ve never thought about joining a first aid squad, now’s the time to do it.

As you’ll read in this week’s Examiner, the Millstone First Aid Squad has seen its calls increase by some 40 percent over the past four years and is in serious need of some fresh volunteers.

The squad has 30 members on the roster, but of that number, only 16 are active. Some have already put in 20 years or more, so it’s time for someone else to take a turn.

The three squad leaders who talked about the group’s needs all seem to have fallen into their jobs almost by accident.

Squad Capt. Bob Broder had no intention of joining when he was asked. He agreed to give it a try, however, and got hooked.

Today he calls the squad "a family that works together."

"And we’re always looking for new family members," he added.

Unlike some squads which have a dire shortage of daytime volunteers, the Millstone squad is in "pretty good shape" in that area, according to squad President Tina Day, because they have volunteers who are retired or who work in the area.

What they need are volunteers who are willing to remain active and share in all the responsibilities the squad has assumed over the years since its founding in 1954 by a half-dozen poultry farmers.

Volunteers must undergo training during their first year, which is funded by the state, and take periodic refresher courses. They also qualify for a small pension.

It’s serious stuff, as Broder would tell you.

But it is a very rewarding job.

Township volunteers assisted at a triage center at Liberty State Park in Jersey City following the World Trade Center disaster.

Locally, they are usually the first responders and work together with the fire department and the state police.

If you’ve never thought about it, why not give it a try? You’ll not only feel good about what you do, you’ll be helping your community and become part of a larger family at the same time.