Candidates share their ideas, goals

   Editor’s note: This week, we asked the Manville Board of Education candidates two questions: what would you focus your efforts on and what ideas have you heard for improving the schools. Asterisks indicate incumbents.

What topic would you focus your energy on as a school board member and what would you hope to accomplish in the next year?

For one, one-year term
Mary Lou Cebula*

   The major task of the Manville Board of Education is to work cooperatively and diligently to secure the best qualified superintendent of schools to replace Dr. Heelan. Our new leader will have many challenges to face and we need to have someone with the energy, expertise and driving force to move the schools forward. I would focus my energies on this project.
   In addition, the Manville Board of Education has Manville High School as one of its major goals. I would work with the other members of the board and the administration to provide support and resources to help improve the climate, educational offerings, and the maintaining of a qualified staff.
Theresa Schaefer

   My focus will be on the quality of education our children in our community are receiving and the safety of our children while attending school. I would like to raise the test score standings of our school within New Jersey.
   I would like to ensure that we have the most instructional time possible, so our children are prepared for continuing their education which will help them enter into the job market. I want people to want to move to Manville, because of the great schools we have and the great people that live in our community. I want everyone to see and know what great potential and ability exists within the community. I want our children to have the opportunity to get into great colleges and be recognized for their accomplishments either in academics, sports or other activities.
For three, three-year terms
Dorothy Bradley*

   For the Personnel Committee, the key focus will be the hiring of a new superintendent to replace Dr. Francis X. Heelan who will retire on or before September 2002.
   For the Curriculum and Instruction Committee, I would focus on developing strategies aimed at improving quality in instruction. For example, preparing a plan to train our teaching staff in using the techniques of differentiated instruction.
   For the Finance and Facilities committee, I would focus on cost containment.
Lisa Galasso*

   My main focus would be on continuing the search for our new Superintendent, with strong leadership skills.
Michael Impellizeri

   I would like to see the Board of Education focus on the challenges our children will face in their future. I also realize that being one of nine members of the board means that what I think as an individual will have to be tempered with compromise and consideration for other opinions.
Joe Morella Jr.

   The leaders of the future will come from our school system; these students must be educated, prepared, and taught to handle the responsibilities of their future. The more we all can do to assist the staff and administration, the better developed the young people will become.
What is the best idea you have heard to improve Manville schools?

For one, one-year term
Mary Lou Cebula*

   The best idea I have to improve Manville schools is to actively seek additional sources of funding by applying for state, local, federal, and private grants that would bring monetary supplements into the district. These additional funds could provide for programs and student enrichment that we might otherwise not be able to provide for our children.
Theresa Schaefer

   There are several ways to improve the community of Manville and the Schools for our children within the given budget. The increase of instructional time is the beginning of ways to improve our schools. Having additional course options, offered to our children, will enhance their opportunities and educational interests. Hopefully, these options will give our children additional strategies and training, making them more prepared for the future. The establishment of additional after school activities would keep our children involved and safe. Funded improvements and upgrades to the schools will give the community and our children a sense of pride in our schools. The ideas listed above are about giving the entire Manville Community confidence and pride. I want our children and community to know they can succeed and make a difference educationally and within our community in the future.
For three, three-year terms
Dorothy Bradley*

   To promote excellence in our schools, the Board of Education recently established "collegial meetings" designed to bring the entire leadership of the district together with the board in open public sessions. The idea being to foster a teaming environment, build pride and improve communications.
Lisa Galasso*

   Our students of this district have great potential, and the advantage for Manville is that we are a smaller community, we should communicate and work together as a team. Our students will achieve and we know as parents, staff, and community, have done our job.
   "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it’s the only thing that ever has."
   I would like to wish all the candidates the best in the upcoming election, and thank you for allowing me to serve this district.
Michael Impellizeri

   My idea for improving Manville would be to help raise the standards for the Manville schools so we may exceed the minimum standards as set by the State of New Jersey. I would like our school system to exhibit a consistent philosophy from the earliest grades through high school.
Joe Morella Jr.

 &nbsp: Our children deserve every opportunity and advantage to improve, and the commitment of the members of the Manville Board of Education can make a difference. I am confident that I can represent every citizen of Manville; I’m old enough to be a senior citizen, and think young enough to coach 6 and 7 year olds on the Mavericks.