Jackson chamber holds annual awards night

The 18th annual awards night of the Jackson Chamber of Commerce took place recently at the Chateau Grand, Lakewood. More than 160 members and other individuals attended the event.

Among those honored were the Lake-wood BlueClaws, Business of the Year 2002; and Citizens of the Year, Dennis M. Galvin, Esq., Margaret M. Quinn, and Robert F. Pelsang.

During his opening remarks, chamber President James McKenna said, "The Jackson Chamber of Commerce is very excited about the wonderful changes happening here in Jackson.

"We are happy to announce the completion of our new Web site as well as our sixth tourism guide. In addition to these projects, the chamber will soon be opening a visitors’ center," he said.

"It is because of citizens like Dennis M. Galvin, Margaret M. Quinn and Robert Pelsang, and businesses like the Lakewood BlueClaws, that people in and out of New Jersey are moving to Jackson to raise their families and start new businesses," he said.

Civic awards were also presented to the honorees, including a letter from Gov. James E. McGreevey which was presented by McKenna.

Proclamations from the state Senate and Assembly were presented by Assembly-man Joseph Malone (R-30); a proclamation from the Ocean County Board of Freeholders was presented by former Jackson Mayor Geoff Yalden; and a proclamation from the township of Jack-son was presented by Deputy Mayor Marvin Krakower and Committeeman Michael Kafton.