Pastel artist’s work on display at area college

Pastel artist’s work on
display at area college

The Georgian Court College art department is sponsoring a gallery exhibit of the portraits of Mario Robinson, distinguished pastel portrait artist, through Oct. 31, at the M. Christina Geis Gallery on the Georgian Court campus in Lakewood. "We saw his work and we were very impressed," said Sister Phyllis Breimayer, assistant professor of art, who is coordinating the show. "We are very selective in our shows. We only showcase work that our students can learn from."

A native of Altus, Okla., Robinson studied art at the Pratt Institute in Brook-lyn, N.Y. In 1994, he turned his attention to pastels. Since then, his work has won national recognition and has appeared in several exhibitions. Most of Robinson’s subjects are African Americans. In the February 2001 issue of Artist Magazine, Robinson explained, "I’m inspired by ordinary people set in every-day situations." The exhibit is free and open to the public Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Georgian Court Arts and Science Center, Lakewood Avenue, Lakewood. For more information, contact the gallery at (732) 364-2200, Ext. 437.